Monday, August 3, 2009

the Lime Light

Ever feel like your an attention grabber although you dont' mean to be??? Ever feel that people come to you for advice and a shoulder to cry on??? Ever been that person who is loved by all but felt like your the loneliest person in the Universe.

some people always say that I am lucky to have so many people around me who care. i thank them for it and say "yeah I am lucky" but alot of times I cam only count a hand full of people that I can say actually care about anything that has to do with me. People see me and then I am loved but once I am gone its as simple as the saying "out of sight, out of mind." So what are you to do when you are always thought of and you are expected to keep up an image that people have of you???

It is said that with great power comes great responsibilty... Ain't that the truth. When you have the power to command attention with ease you then have to learn to entertain those whose attention you have captured. At my young age I have learned to entertain and then disssappear out of sight in order to go into my own little bubble of reality. Lately though I have found myself expected to entertain multiple people and various times, for rather large amounts of time. It is physically draining but I continue to do it because I care for these indiviuals. I pull every trick in the book to keep things going but I running out of routines and fast. I can only go on but for so long.

So what do you do when you are the center of attention and you are standing there with your cock in your hand lookin like a jackass because you are completely lost in absolute eye of the bubble of a world you live in??? Who knows, I have been known to work Miracles but there is only but so much magic up my sleeve that i can pull out before I start running on fumes.

Acrobatics, stand up comedy, pies to the face, juggling,practical jokes, amazing and dangerous stunts and an act with dangerous live animals. the list goes on and on but eventually it all ends. so what then???

-the Boy wonder signing off

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